Now you should have the Codexes filled and be ready to go on to the next part of the quest. You can see the map where I found them by clicking this link. To complete this quest, look for the 6 Apprentice notes as you clean out the Tower to ally yourself with either Mages or Templars. This sword comes from a side quest in the Circle Tower called Watchguard of the Reaching. Oathkeeper (single hand weapon) – You get this for completing all the Chanter’s Board quests in Lothering While the bonuses aren’t particularly useful on this sword, it doesn’t take high stats to use it and deals out decent damage for early in the game, so I use it. How you handle the end of the quest is up to you, but you can now go upstairs and get the sword out of the chest. (Images are thumbnails, click to enlarge) If you’re a Rogue or have better Cunning, then use Persuasion. If you’re a Warrior with a lot of strength you may want to use Intimidate because it relies on your Strength stat. He’ll eventually tell you that his grandfather left him a sword and give you the key to the chest upstairs if you Persuade him or tell him that you’ll give his sister some money. Use Persuasion to tell you why he’s hiding. Her brother, Bevin, is inside the closet. Offer to find him for her then leave the Chantry and go around the corner to Kaitlyn’s house. Speak to her and she’ll tell you that her brother is lost. When in the Redcliffe chantry there’s a girl crying near the door. You’ll need at least 2 in Persuasion / Coercion to complete this quest. Vanilla Game (not from DLCs, the Collector’s Edition, or mods): I’m just sharing my experiences in what I like and use most often to get me most easily through the game.

This is by no means the only good equipment in the game, and you may have better luck with something else. I was afraid if I put all of this on each one would be overwhelming. I put some general info on those posts, so there will be some repetition.

That was just a little too much for the Build’s pages. I’ve also included full information on how to get them or where they come from. To save time on my other posts (like the Builds) and to give more detailed information, I’ve compiled a list of the equipment I like best on my characters and NPCs.